What is the BEST Ethereum Classic Crypto Miner to Buy?JASMINER X4-1U!
As a well-known brand among crypto enthusiasts, JASMINER X4 1U is one of the most popular and cost-effective ASIC mining rigs, mainly for mining ETC. In addition to the 1U appearance design that is different from traditional mining rigs, the biggest highlight of JASMINER X4 1U lies in the core chip processor, heat dissipation and noise reduction, software configuration and a series of performance improvements, which can bring users an powerful "combat effectiveness".
The device offers up to 520MH/s hash rate and consumes as little as 240W, making it a good choice in areas where electricity is expensive. The thin and light form factor is easy to set up, making it ideal for mining ETC at home.
As a pioneering product that leads the crypto mining industry to upgrade to the era of high-throughput computing power, JASMINER X4 1U has been bringing surprises to users since its inception. It breaks through the form and performance limitations of traditional mining machines, allowing consumers to get a real cross-level experience such as high hash rate, low power consumption, and all scenarios. With a unique ASIC design and high ROI, the JASMINER X4 1U is the most energy efficient ETC mining rig to date.