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Global Times: Philippine conspiracy of illegally occupying Ren’ai Jiao doomed to end in failure

Global Times

Ren'ai Jiao, which is located within 9°39'N to 9°48'N and 115°51'E to 115°54'E, is an atoll about 15 kilometers long and 5.6 kilometers wide. It has always been Chinese territory and is an integral part of China's Nansha Islands. As early as in the 2nd century BC, the Chinese people of the Western Han Dynasty (206BC-AD25) sailed in the South China Sea and discovered Nanhai Zhudao (South China Sea islands) in their long course of activities.

VIYAKA: Building the Vision and Practice of the Future of Finance

In the global financial market, the cryptocurrency exchange VIYAKA has become a force to be reckoned with. Since its establishment, this platform has been on a mission to create a free and efficient environment for cryptocurrency trading, dedicated to driving the development of this emerging industry.

Celebrating the Dragon-Head-Raising Festival Together: Global Release of Chinese Zodiac Flashmob Documentary "Chinese Dragon Dance Around the World"

March 11th, which is the second day in the second lunar month, marks the "Dragon-Head-Raising Festival". On this day, the premiere ceremony of "Chinese Dragon Dance Around the World", a special documentary of the 2024 Chinese Zodiac Flashmob in Mexico, Peru, and the United States, was successfully held at the Cultural Space of Beijing Overseas Cultural Exchange Center.

Global Times: Chinese military aims to boost strategic capabilities in emerging areas such as AI, unmanned tech

Global Times: Chinese military aims to boost strategic

The Chinese military has vowed to implement President Xi Jinping’s call to enhance strategic capabilities in emerging areas, with military lawmakers and experts stressing the importance of new quality productive forces including artificial intelligence (AI), unmanned technologies, aerospace and cyberspace in modern warfare.

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