Education policy

Youth from 50 countries jointly release the Shenzhen Initiative at Southern University of Science and Technology

From July 1st to 3rd, the Global Youth Exchange Summer Camp was held at Southern University of Science and Technology. The summer camp, with the theme of "A New Generation, A New Future", brings together more than 200 outstanding young people from 50 countries. After in-depth exchanges, consensus has been reached and "2024 Global Youth Shenzhen Initiative: A New Generation, A New Future" has been released.

“Overseas Guizhou - Trade Worldwide” 2024 Quality Baijiu Exhibition Shines at FHA-Food & Beverage

From July 4 to 7, 2024, Singapore EXPO Convention & Exhibition Centre welcomed the much-anticipated FHA-Food & Beverage 2024. In this exhibition, a much-anticipated special event - “Overseas Guizhou - Trade Worldwide” 2024 Quality Baijiu Exhibition, meticulously planned and organized by China Council for the Promotion of International Trade Guizhou Sub-Council (Expo Affairs Bureau of Guizhou Province), brought more than 30 Guizhou quality baijiu enterprises, such as Guotai and Guijiu, to show the world the unique charm and excellent quality of Guizhou baijiu.

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